010 | How to Rise Above Ourselves and Other Things with Tom Furber

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IH010- How to Rise Above Ourselves and Other Things with Tom Furber

Tom Furber is the CEO of High Mowing Organic Seeds, the largest exclusively organic vegetable seed company in the United States. He is the author of Joy: It’s Your Choice, Really and the creator of the Joy Practice. Prior to joining the executive team at High Mowing, he worked with venture-backed and privately held companies, helping them navigate the waters of transitional growth and change in ownership. He has worked with Hannaford Supermarkets, where he was responsible for turning around a business unit, lead pricing/margin performance, and reengineering the company’s financial reporting and decision support systems. He also built the home shopping and delivery division, HomeRuns, which Tom founded and later sold. Tom is passionate about organic food, improving the human condition, and engaging with people and work that make a true impact on the world.

Tom joins me today to discuss how we, as humans, can rise above ourselves and the importance of giving yourself time to process thoughts and ideas before deciding on a course of action. He explains why he makes a conscious effort to quiet his inner ‘rat brain’ voice of insecurity, what the ‘Honoring Friend’ practice is, and how it allows him to be a more present and effective leader. We discuss how society is accelerating at a near-incomprehensible pace and how we can relearn to slow down. We discuss the emotions we typically feel when we ‘take the bait’ to prove our perspective is correct in the midst of an argument or disagreement and how Tom is making a conscious effort to avoid knee-jerk reactions. Tom also explains the importance of being comfortable with who you are, what you want, and embracing the people around you.

“Choose whatever baby step works for you because it’s all baby steps.” - Tom Furber

This week on Insert:Human

●      Why Tom believes more people are choosing to grow their own produce now compared to the pre-COVID era

●      The detrimental effects of maintaining pattern thinking

●      How your sleep habits impact your ability to stay healthy and perform at a high level

●      Giving yourself permission to pause and process thoughts and ideas before choosing a course of action

●      What the ‘Honoring Friend’ practice is and how to use it to quiet your inner voice of insecurity

●      Understanding the self-improvement journey is a constant, ever-changing process

●      The idea that society is accelerating at a near-incomprehensible pace and strategies to slow down the pace of life

●      The seven stages of grief applied to ‘taking the bait’ to prove our perspectives are correct

●      The importance of getting clear and comfortable with who you are, what you want, and embracing others


Resources Mentioned:

●      Inspiration Sandwich: Stories to Inspire Our Creative Freedom by Sark


Connect with Tom Furber:

●      tom@honoringfriend.com

●      Book: Joy: It’s Your Choice, Really - Order a copy at honoringfriend.com

●      High Mowing Organic Seeds on LinkedIn

●      High Mowing Organic Seeds on Instagram

●      High Mowing Organic Seeds on Facebook

●      High Mowing Organic Seeds on Twitter

●      Tom Furber on LinkedIn

Insert:Human - For a Better Life & Better World 

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