013 | Why Hard is Better Than Easy

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The summer has an impact on all of us as the days lengthen, and we experience a tendency to lessen our work-pace. As humans, our brains are wired to have an inclination to take the easy path, and we find it difficult to take the harder path. We make these choices between easy and hard on a daily basis, across all aspects of our lives, and it is far too easy to miss the massive opportunities that lie in front of us.

Today I discuss the dangers of taking the easy path and what it means to take the hard path in everything we do. I share the roles of fear, sacrifice, and communication in education, collaboration, parenting, and friendship. I highlight why your journey of understanding should begin by reflecting inwards and seeking the truth. I share the marriage structure that fails every time and why both parties need to follow a seeker's role. I discuss why agreement and alignment are crucial in marriages, parenthood, and all forms of partnerships. I also discuss what it means to be a citizen and why we should have the courage to view all aspects of our lives through the lenses of easy versus hard.

“Every aspect of our lives can and should be looked at through this lens of easy versus hard.” - Chris Colbert


This week on Insert:Human

  • Why education and all learning tends to underperform where there is a focus on convenient and ease

  • The barriers to sustained mental effort, including fear and sacrifice

  • Why honest communication and constant compromise are the essential ingredients of collaboration and alignment

  • How telling the truth is the bridge to real understanding

  • The questions you need to consider to understand yourself and your aspirations

  • The types of marriages that tend to fail and why both parties need to do the hard work

  • What it means to take parenting seriously and the hard conversations you must have

  • Why developmental agreement is vital for parenting

  • Why we find it easier to be intimate with strangers than our family

  • Choosing the hard path and how to approach your role as a citizen

  • Why the solution to our problems lies not at the end of easy, but at the end of hard

Resources Mentioned:

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