014| The Growing Consciousness with Richard Barrett

Brilliant thoughts from a brilliant man.

Brilliant thoughts from a brilliant man.

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Richard Barrett is the Managing Director and Founder of the Barrett Academy for the Advancement of Human Values, an international think-tank to discover, incubate, and develop concepts, ideas, and practices that support the evolution of human consciousness. Richard is also the founder of the Barrett Values Centre, a Fellow of the World Business Academy, and Former Values Coordinator at the World Bank. He is an internationally recognized consultant, coach, speaker, and the author of 13 books, including Worldview Dynamics and the Well-being of Nations, The Evolutionary Human: How Darwin Got It Wrong, and Everything I Have Learned About Values. He holds a Bachelor of Science degree in Civil Engineering from Manchester University.

Richard joins me today to discuss the growing consciousness and why we need to work together for the good of the whole human species. Richard shares how consciousness has evolved and how the developmental stages affect your personal consciousness. We discuss how our political leaders' conscious state affects the world and the evidence of this has shown through the government's response to COVID-19. Richard discusses what it means to individuate and how you can resolve your limiting fears and reach a higher state. He also shares why we must care about uplifting everyone in society and the world to achieve humanity awareness and the next stage of our growing consciousness. It’s an incredible hour with an incredibly insightful man.

“Evolution was always about consciousness; it was never about species.” - Richard Barrett

This week on Insert:Human

  • How consciousness has evolved through species and why we are in a phase of accelerated mode of evolutionary consciousness

  • Why consciousness is awareness with a purpose and what this means to our survival

  • The difference between needs and desires and Richard's seven levels of consciousness

  • The seven stages of development and how they link to consciousness

  • How the development of personal consciousness in our political leaders has affected the way nations are handling COVID-19

  • The six worldviews that humanity has passed through and the next world view we need to attain

  • The three algorithms of evolutionary intelligence we use to handle threats

  • Why women may make better leaders

  • The correlation between emotional limitations and physical abnormalities

  • How an individual can move through the stages of development through releasing their limiting fears

  • How, as a collective, we can do better for the world and society

  • Why it is fundamentally necessary to move from people awareness to humanity awareness if we are to save our species

Resources Mentioned:

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Insert:Human - For a Better Life & Better World

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