007 | How to Choose Courage over Fear

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Fear can be a crippling emotion. It prevents us from stepping out of our comfort zones, meeting new people, and exploring new opportunities. Its primary purpose is to protect us from harm, whether physically or mentally. But we can’t live in a bubble forever. Sometimes, we must have the courage to overcome our fears, step out of our comfort zones, and try new things in order to continue our personal and professional growth. And the good news is that having courage versus fear is a choice.

So, how do you choose courage over fear?

Today, I discuss the role of fear and courage in our everyday life and why we need to have the courage to swallow our fears and embrace new opportunities. I share my experiences with debilitating fear, how I allowed it to get in my way and control my life, and how I finally found the courage to step out of my comfort zone. I discuss the concept of Maslow’s Hierarchy of Needs and how these needs play a role in our feelings of fear. I discuss why I believe fear and courage are two sides of the same coin and why conquering your fears is less about becoming fearless and more about having the courage to learn what to do with them. I also explain the benefits of choosing courage when faced with moments of fear in our daily lives and the importance of reaching out to your tribe to help you overcome fearful moments.

If fear is getting in the way of you realizing the wonder of you, listen here.

“The way to freedom is through the door of fear.” -

This week on Insert:Human

●      My journey of exploration, contemplation, and studying of my personal fears, why I was afraid, and what I needed to do to overcome them

●      Maslow’s Hierarchy of Needs and how your core needs impact your feelings of fear

●      Common fears that manifest in each of us every day

●      Why I believe it is impossible for people to be completely fearless

●      Why fear is a choice and the benefits of choosing courage over fear

●      Reaching out and embracing your tribe to help you conquer fearful moments

●      The connection between ‘fear’ and ‘freedom’


Resources Mentioned:

●      Maslow’s Hierarchy of Needs


Insert:Human - For a Better Life & Better World 

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